Thursday 7 April 2016

Sundar Pichai Google CEO Gives New Perspective To A Happy Person

by Benson Agoha | Celebrity

One movie that often come flying into my mind whenever I hear of Happiness mentioned is the movie that stars Will Smith and his son Jayden. It was titled "In Pursuit of Happiness".

Smith's life and experience typified the experience of many of us - one half reflecting the suffering experienced by the majority, and a later part showcasing the privilege of a few who get lucky or who pressed towards the mark till the end.

But Sundar Pichai, the smart new Google CEO, unveiled just about a year ago has just given us another insight into the proper definition of a `Happy Person'.

"A person who is happy is not because everything is right in high life", he says, adding "..he is happy because his attitude towards everything in his life is right".

No wonder why Pharrell Williams was such a hit with `Happy' because to be so called, you must be able to feel like its what you want to do or like a room without a roof.

So if you are in search of happiness, ensure that you develop the right attitude towards everything in your life. Doing this may be challenging on its own.

* Sundar Pichai is Google CEO. (Credit: via LinkedIn)

Watch the video Happy by Pharrell Williams:

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