Monday 25 April 2016

Today's Update From The Waugh Zone Is Titled " BACK OF THE QUEUE, BACK OF THE NET"

* Paul Waugh
by Paul Waugh | Politics

The second he said it, you could feel the air in the room change. Barack Obama’s warning that Brexit would mean “the UK is going to be at the back of the queue” of America’s trade priorities was as brutal as it was effective.
And the sharp intake of breath from the gathered press pack, greeted by the knowingly satisfied smiles of Downing Street aides, was proof that the President had delivered and delivered in spades.

Of course, we had all expected yet another chapter in the Obameron bromance. But with the stakes so high for the Prime Minister – he furrowed his brow, he swallowed hard, as he hung on every word of the President’s answers – Obama clearly felt he had to flash some steel as well as his 100-watt smile.
* President Barack Obama, flanked by PM David Cameron, gave a
speech on why Britain should Vote In during June 23rd Referendum.
It felt like a targeted drone strike on the Brexiteers’ weakest argument: that somehow Britain can quit a huge trading bloc and expect to have the same clout when it comes to buying and selling stuff to other countries. And the pounding of the Vote Leave bunker was relentless. It wasn’t just trade that would be at risk, it would be security, intelligence, protection against climate change and migration.

Cameron insisted that he couldn’t tell a President what to say. Oh no, perish the thought. But given that the US and UK are famously ‘separated by a common language’, Downing Street were not unhappy that he used the very English ‘queue’ instead of the American equivalent ‘line’ in his killer quote.

Later, Obama insisted the UK-US ‘special relationship’ would survive Brexit. Yet the main economic message was clear. He’ll still keep sending Christmas and birthday cards, it’s just that there won’t be a fiver inside them any more.
* Paul Waugh is the Executive Editor, Politics, HuffPost UK.

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