Friday 6 May 2016

Labour Candidate Set To Make Return To City Hall As Sadiq Khan Closes In On Victory

by Benson Agoha | Politics
* London Decides: Tory's Zack Goldsmith and Labour's Sadiq Khan
pitch in for the electorate's votes.
Something amazing appears to be in the offing for Labour, as a labour appears set to return to City Hall following in the steps of Ken Livingstone.
But it seems something even more amazing is apparent for Labour's Mayoral candidate Sadiq Khan. But it's still fingers crossed.

With 69% of the votes counted and the Labour candidate currently ahead by a decent margin, elections2016 appears to have been won and lost. But could 30% pull a surprise?
Emerging reports say Labours Sadiq Khan is heading for a comfortable win in the London Mayoral election as he looks to head into City Hall.

But other highlights of the elections are that the instead of Labour as the main opposition in the Scottish Parliament, Conservatives have taken their place.

But although Labour has suffered overall losses, it retains key councils in England. Labour is also set to be the largest party in the Welsh Assembly.

The Scottish National Party (SNP) has repeated its 2015 feet by winning the Scottish votes but still fell short of overall majority according to a BBC report.

Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn who predicted that Labour would have a good election reportedly says he is pleased with results.

According to Chris Ship, the result is currently 44% v 35% in favour of
SadiqKhan in the race for the next Mayor of London. Tory Zac Goldsmith is behind by 9%. But it can still change.

Pippa Crerar tweeted "Sadiq Khan, no doubt aware of Ken Livingstone's reputation, has promised not to stuff City Hall with "political cronies" if he wins."

And Sadiq Khan's victory will mean he will vacate his seat in Tooting, necessitating a by-election. "If Sadiq Khan wins London, that will be some by-election in Tooting. Labour have 2,800 majority in area that's quickly gentrifying." tweeted Sophy Ridge.

But can Labour win outright majority in the capital? Beth Rigby thinks so. She tweeted "Looks like Labour could win outright majority in London assembly if it manages to take those marginals from Tories. And London Mayor."

But what are their losses like? Faisal Islam provided a clue, tweeting "After about 1700/2500 English council seats Labour down 22, UKIP up 20, Libs up 13, Cons up 7 --- Basically minimal change, statistically."
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