Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Woolwich Online Visit The Dartford Steam Engine Show 2016, Dartford

by Benson Agoha | Technology
We may be riding on electrically driven trains and semi-auto DLR cars these days, but the history of locomotives has been awhile and many types of steam-engines have been produced over the years. The events holds at the Dartford Central Park.
Where are they now? Every year, a commemorative effort to honour a railway pioneer who died in Dartford, is held sometime in the summer to allow those who still have those engines to bring them out and show case them for the public to see.
If you travel through Dartford, you may be tempted to think the City is all about The Orchard Theatre, and the Railway Station that serves as a major rail artery between South-eastern London and Kent.
That it, until you notice the name plates on Dartford Stations metal fence.  The plates are a pointer to where the current train engines are coming from.
Every year in Dartford, a day is set aside to showcase assorted types of iconic manufacture produced by local organisations from Dartford and environs.
If you have produced something you are proud of, you can bring it to Dartford and showcase it for others to see.
But the event began as direct commemorative effort to honour the railway pioneer and these engines come out in all shapes and sizes.  Amazingly, they all still work.
Of particular interest to Woolwich Online, as you would have seen from the video, was the ship, said to have been one of the biggest of its kind produced in 1939, but was sunk by German's who dropped a mine on it.
It is now resting at the bottom of the Thames extuary with over 500 tons of Coal which it was carrying at the time.
Now, hopefully you saw the two videos and could see for yourself. We apologize for the poor quality as it was shot without a tripod.


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