Tuesday 5 July 2016

Tesco Invests 12 Million Pounds In The Future Of Britain's Potato Growers

by  Benson Agoha

Britain's Supermarket giant Tesco announced Tuesday  it will issue contracts worth £12 million over three years to help support British Agriculture. It makes Tesco the first retailer in the UK to introduce new long term contracts for potato growers and packers.

Tesco said the investment will help to safeguard the future of UK farmers who supply the supermarket and provide customers with the best quality produce.

Through the Tesco Sustainable Farming Group - Potatoes (TSFG-Potatoes), growers will benefit from greater financial certainty, allowing them to invest in their businesses for the future.

The TSFG-Potatoes will be made up of a collection of producers and industry experts from across the country, and will aim to build stronger relationships through the whole supply chain to ensure customers are offered the best range and varieties at the right price.

The group will also take some of the pressure off British potato growers, who are faced with the challenges of difficult growing conditions, declining consumption and an increasingly volatile market
Tesco’s Commercial Director for Fresh Food, Matt Simister said: "Working collaboratively with our suppliers to ensure we provide the highest quality fresh produce for our customers is right at the heart of what we do. Whilst there isn’t a single simple solution to resolve the uncertainty faced by many potato growers, it’s important that we all play our part. These new contracts will help to bring more confidence back into the whole potato supply chain and build a truly sustainable British potato industry."
Read the full story at www.tescoplc.com.

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