Thursday 22 September 2016

Lord Kerslake To Chair The Royal Borough Of Greenwich’s Fairness Commission

by our RBG Correspondent In Woolwich

In an all-out effort to tackle social and economic inequality, the Royal Borough of Greenwich has established an independent Fairness Commission, 'Greenwich: our future together'. 

The Commission will deliver an independent and objective evidence-based strategy to tackle inequality and poverty with a particular focus on health, housing, employment (including training) and education.

The launch will take place on Friday 30 September with Chair of the Commission Lord Kerslake and the Leader of the Royal Borough of Greenwich Councillor Denise Hyland speaking on the Commission’s overarching mission and the work that will be carried out over the next few months. The event will also mark the official call-for-evidence from Royal Greenwich services, partners and special interest groups. 

Greenwich: our future together will be led by Lord Kerslake, the current Chair of Peabody, one of the oldest and largest housing associations in London. Lord Kerslake has experience in both central and local government, as former Head of the Civil Service and Chief Executive of the London Borough of Hounslow and Sheffield City Council. He also sits on the House of Lords Finance Committee.

The Commissioners have been drawn from a wide selection of local and national organisations and are experts in their respective fields across housing, education, employment and health. Collectively, their role will be to scrutinise the evidence presented to the Commission and put forward practical ideas that can be implemented locally. 

In welcoming the establishment of the Commission, Lord Kerslake said: “Greenwich: our future together will play a pivotal role in putting forward real and meaningful change in the Borough to bring greater fairness. The Royal Borough of Greenwich has already done so much to grow the borough’s economy and tackle inequality. Now the Commission can, through an independent eye, further identify deep-rooted causes of poverty and put forward ideas for the Council and its stakeholders to improve the quality of life for citizens and services users."

“The task before us is an exciting and important one. I look forward to working with our partners, borough-wide and grass-roots community organisations to take the work of the Commission forward. It is incredible that I will be joined by 14 Commissioners, all with extensive experience and knowledge in their respective fields.” 

Greenwich: our future together is seeking information and views from the Royal Borough of Greenwich’s key stakeholders and partners to support its independent review of anti-poverty work within the borough. The Commission is interested in hearing from local organisations on their activities surrounding anti-poverty and tackling inequality and is welcoming written evidence from all stakeholders. Greenwich: our future together will also be collecting further evidence through testimonials, surveys and public meetings.

Leader of the Royal Borough of Greenwich Councillor Denise Hyland (top right) said: “The Royal Borough of Greenwich is firmly committed to doing all it possibly can to tackle social and economic inequality while fostering a strong, cohesive community with fairness at its very core."

"Greenwich: Our Future Together has the central ambition of not just helping those trapped in poverty but also breaking the poverty cycle by ensuring that communities are given the right support, care and resources to prosper."

"I’m looking forward to us rolling up our sleeves for the Commission’s first vital step of working with local organisations for support, feedback and evidence; it will be crucial in ensuring that the Commission is able to thoroughly scrutinise existing work within the borough and identify news ways of improving the quality of life for all residents.”

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