Friday 23 December 2016

Enviro Champ Boosts Christmas Crackdown on Fly-tipping

by our RBG Correspondent In Woolwich
A local Environment Champion is working with residents and Council officers to clamp down on fly-tipping and littering in his local area.

Jeffrey Tian contacted the Royal Borough’s Enviro-crime Enforcement Team in November to report a fly-tip in a layby between Battery Road and Kentlea Road in Thamesmead. This area is known as a fly-tipping hotspot.

The Council’s “Plumstead Taskforce” quickly responded to the call, had the materials removed immediately and door-knocked local residents to encourage them to help tackle this type of enviro-cime.

Mr Tian further united local residents in committing to keep the local area free of litter. He also volunteered to work with the Council to establish a new Neighbourhood Watch team in the area to deter future fly-tips.

This latest initiative forms part of a wider Christmas crackdown on fly-tipping which saw the Royal Borough of Greenwich conducting joint operations with the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) and the Metropolitan Police to identify unlicensed waste vehicles. This resulted in a number of enforcement investigations and actions.

Councillor Jackie Smith, Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Environment said,

“We remain steadfast in our commitment to do all we possibly can to tackle fly-tipping. We have three taskforce teams which perform intelligence gathering, rapid fly-tip removal and issue £400 Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs)- the maximum fine allowed by law.

“However, we are clear that we cannot win this battle alone. We need the eyes and ears of residents like Mr. Tian who provide invaluable intelligence and support.

“Our work with residents in Battery Road is part of a shift in our campaign to reporting fly-tippers and not just the fly tip. Through working together, we can drive up the fines and drive down the number of fly-tips in the borough.”

Local Environment Champion Jeffrey Tian added:

“I am very happy with the council’s action and I believe the residents in this area must be very pleased to see such a big change. I am honoured to have the title of Environment Champion and I know we can continue to work jointly with the council on more ideas and measures to combat fly-tipping in this area.”

If you have intelligence on suspected fly-tippers, please email:

All information you provide will be treated confidentially.

If you would like to report a fly-tip for removal, please do so through:

For more information on our Environment Champions Scheme and how to join,
please call 020 8921 3356 or email:

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