Thursday, 9 April 2020

Breaking News - Expedition Capsule Readies To Dock At The ISS By Benson Agoha In Lagos

The Soyuz Capsule carrying the crew of the Expedition 63 headed for the The International Space Station ISS, is about to dock.

A live video by the ISS shows the capsule making its final approach as it flies around the station "closing in on its docking port on the space station",

But the post is generating interesting replies in the light of the Coronavirus pandemic. "Did they get tested from coronavirus?" asked one respondent.

Another tweeted "Can’t wait for the SpaceX Dragon to replace this old trash." But "Is that for cursory ship examination as was done with the shuttle?",asked a another respondent.

According to a schedule by NASA, at 11:15 a.m, the International Space Station Expedition 63/Soyuz MS-16 hatch opening and welcoming ceremony will take place.

Developing Story....

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