Friday 29 October 2021

Liquid Water Under The Pole As Photo Show Ice On Mar's North Pole

This image shared by Yasin Beran on Face book shows the northern polar crater on Mars apparently spewing ice.  Portions show evidence of melting ice.

Beran said called the photo 'incredibly sharp' 

The image generated responses including one by Sophie Richardson who wrote "Plenty of life under our ice... and yet NO PROBES GOING THERE. Zero planned from any country, ever. I get making the polar trajectory is challenging but it's endlessly frustrating knowing that's there while they keep on drilling into dead rock for ancient fossils for zero proof of current life.

In fact, liquid water is under one pole. Literally."

It followed a July 2018 report by Daniel Clery in Science.Org which said 'Liquid water spied deep below polar ice cap on Mars' 

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