More people came out to express their sympathies to the family of the attack victim. Some dropped flowers at the scene, others handed theirs to the police at the police line and others expressed dismay and condemnation of this attack.
The PM has also visited the scene, arriving through Woolwich New Road into John Wilson Street. He chaired a meeting with community leaders.

Police maintain high level of security on site of attack as John Wilson street still closed. World press visiting the site and interviewing people on their reaction to the attack.

One of them was a man who said he was a member of the English Defence League (EDL). He said he could not go out last night because he felt unsafe. According to him "this is the worst this area has seen. It is worst than the riots"

As expected members of the EDL later took to the street in protest over the killing.

When asked whether he felt this might lead to people being singled out, he said yes, that it will certainly lead to people being singled out and a lot of people's action taken a lot more seriously.

He said "..this attack is a totally unprovoked aggression and there was no need for it. Government needs to sort this out and decisively. They need to sort it out."

Another couple who said they lived in nearby Thamesmead condemned the babaric nature of the attack on a serving soldier. The man said "this attack is babaric and evil and should not have happened". His partner said "the attackers must not be allowed to get away with this action. They must not go free. They should be killed".

Yesterday evening, a man was seen crying at the scene of attack. He said "what do they want from us? Why are they killing us? Where do they want us to go to and feel safe?"

Surprisingly, one woman courageously talked to the attackers. Ingrid Loyau-Kennett was seen approaching and, actually spent sometime, speaking to one of the attackers.

Today, Government officials are arriving the scene, with the Prime Minister, David Cameron visiting. Mayor of London, Boris Johnson also arrived at 12.10pm. He came with a large number of officers and was cleared through police line. He spent 7 minutes at the scene and came out.

He then went into the nearby Town Hall and emerged a minutes later and then walked straight into Greenwich Council at the The Woolwich Centre, opposite the Town Hall, where he is holding a meeting with Council Officials.
Police has named one of the attackers as Michael Adebolajo, 28, of Nigerian decent and a Londoner.

Additional media reports said he was born in Lambeth and grew up in East London where members of his family are thought still live.
According to Sky Media correspondent, Martin Grunt, Adebolajo was a student of University of Greenwich. It is not clear whether he is still one at the time of the attack yesterday.

The area is still cordoned off as more sympathisers bring flowers and continue to express dismay at the incident.
Interviews granted to us today, say the men were many in the vehicle carrying them and that they ran over the soldier before the actual knife attack.
Police investigation is continuing into what reports say, government considers it a terrorist act.

In a related incident, the soldier who has been named on the internet as the victim of the woolwich attack has spoken out, refuting that claim.

Private Lewis Murphy, who is from Middlesborough, said he wants to reassure people that he was not the man slaughtered on a Woolwich street yesterday. According to reports, the officer, a brave 25-year-old from Acklam, "has now told the Gazette he was "sickened" when he saw his name linked to the terrorist incident."
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