Friday 14 December 2012


* Poll Winner - Kim Jong Un.

A poll by Time Magazine has left poll-watcher shocked after over five million voters chose North Koreas 27 year-old leader, Kim Jong Un, as the Person of the year for 2012.

According to, Dylan Stableford of Yahoo!News, although this is not an official choice, which is still expected on December 19, it is a shocking revelation. Moreso considering the reputation of the reclusive state's relationship with their closest neighbour South Korea and the world in general.

Only this week, Kim Jong Un went ahead to launch a long range rocket in defiance of the United Nations resolution, banning it from testing or launching any rocket that will involve the use of balistic missile technology.

Still taking the blows from around the world for its launch, North Korea insists that its launch was peaceful purpose only, to put a Satelite into orbit.

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