Wednesday 4 September 2013



BIBLE VERSE: "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." ~ 2nd Chronicles 7:14(NIV).

Introduction of Dignitories:

This was done by Apostle Alfred Williams - Founder of the Christfaith Tabernacle International Churches and Chairman of Nigeria Prays UK. His introductions were simple, short and direct even for dignitories who have travelled in from Nigeria and other parts of the world. And he made a joke when he said "the rest of us are all London Lizards".

Gen. Yakubu Gowon is a familiar name for a familiar face for people like us, we grew up hearing different things about him in various roles. But most Nigerians, though aware of his pet project "Nigeria Prays", may not have had the opportunity to see him or hear him pray. This is nothwithstanding the fact that the project, having successfully covered the 36 states of Nigeria and Abuja, has gone international, expanding beyond Nigeria to Europe and America.

* Gen(Dr) Yakubu Gowon (Rtd) - Former Head of State of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Chairman of Nigeria Prays.

"Nigeria Prays", Rev. Dr Moses Aransiola, National Director of the project, tells the congregation, "is now so pupopluar that everybody in the 36 states of Nigeria - in mosques, churches and mountains - now understnd and recognise the need to pray for Nigeria to remain one".

He said the project has visited all the 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory and now travel round to expand it it overseas. "It has been in America for four years", he says.

* Apostle Alfred Williams - Founder of the Christfaith Tabernacle International Churches and Chairman of Nigeria Prays UK.

Last week, they were in America from where they travelled over for the UK programme. Next week, they will be travelling to Abuja, Nigeria for the grand nationale. Rev. Aransiola said that the project, funded entirely through private charity donations, from the general public, companies and churches, and withot government money, has produced evidence that it is bearing fruit.

The objective of Nigeria Prays, he said, is not just to keep Nigeria together, but also to make her `the Mecca of Africa' in a few years. He encouraged all Nigerians, living abroad to pray that this objective is realised and to "find their way back to their Canaan".

* Revd (Dr) Moses Aransiola - National Director of Nigeria Prays.

For many, the event was an opportunity to see General Gowon, in person and learn more about him. But when he mounted the pulpit for his keynote speech and prayer, it was without fanfare. And he left very few in doubt as to why he is so passionate about praying for Nigeria, given that the media is awash daily with numours and reports of all kinds of vices, many of which he listed.

Gen. Yakubu Gowon's Prayer:

The former Head of State welcomed all believers and people of faith, and recognised the enormouse job that has been done to restore the Auditorium which has turned it into the "Theatre of God".

He thanked the two Pillars of Nigeria Prays in the UK - Apostle Alfred Williams (Host) and Chairman, Nigeria Prays UK and Pastor Leke Snusi, Coordinator of Nigeria Prays UK.

He starts off with a call on all to trust in God for the faith and unity of Nigeria. He appealed to friends of Nigeria at home and abroad to pray "for our dear country and nation Nigeria, for the peace and unity and for the well being of the people".

He said "..we are here to pray for Nigeria for all kinds of vices." And asked the congregation to pray for peace and love for our fatherland. To ask God to forgive us for the wrongs we have caused one another, knowingly and unknowingly, and for `our Jerusalem, Nigeria'.

He said "may we never again raise up our hands to fight or bomb one another but to live in peace, love and understanding in Jesus Name! Amen", and the congregation chorused Amen.

Gen. Gowon asked everyone to "..ask God to help us to be patriotic and to build our country to develop according to plan as God helped the Children of Israel".

He prayed for business leaders, political leaders and judicial leaders to dispense justice with mercy for all and for God to give us a country where no man or woman is oppressed, where rights are resolutely defended, irrespective of tribe or class".

He prayed that God instils into us good values, in dealing with one another, to exchiew corruption in all we, to be mindful of our obligations to our children and make our nation "safe for our children, and future generations".

He said "..we bring before you Lord, Nigeria's myriad problems which include unmitigated violence by various groups, murder ritual killings and various acts of man's inhumanity to man". He asked God to `change these for good and heal our hearts and our lands'.

He listed injutice, idol worship and all bad reports that are carried in the media daily. He said "..Lord we pray to you to shield us from all ritual and acts of babarisms".

He prayed for the soul of soldier Drummer Lee Rigby who was murdered on the streets of Woolwich in May, and said that God should "touch the killers to be able to see the errors of their ways and change." He said the babaric public killing is not in the character of Nigerians. And he asked God to instill in us a good heart and to live according to the teaching of Jesus Christ.

He also prayed for the Church and faithfuls that gathered for the rally - both Nigerians and Nigeria's friends. He prayed for the church of Christ in the United Kingdom and beyond.

Gen. Gowon also prayed for the UK and the leadership, for Her Magesty, the Queen and her husband Prince Philip - and not forgetting the latest addition to the Royal Family, he prayed for Royal Baby, Prince George.

He also prayed for the Prime Minister and his coalition, and asked God to teach them to do what is good for the Country, Nigeria and for the world.

He prayed for Nigerians in the UK and abroad and for the new foundation in memory of Damilola Taylor, the Nigerian boy killed on the streets of Peckham on 27 November 2000.

Closing his Prayer, Gen. Gowon asked God to bless Nigeria, her people and her friends in UK and in Africa and beyond. To bless and satisfy them all in Jesus Name.

After General Gowon's Keynote Prayer, the Mayor of Greenwich (2013), Cllr. Angela Cornforth, who graced the occassion with two former Mayors, mounted the pulpit. She said her visit to the building the day before, exposed her to the enormous work that had gone into efforts to restore it to its original glory, through cooperation with different groups and contribution from craftsmen.

The Mayor said she has seen first hand, what the enterpreneural spirit of the Nigerian can achieve, and recalled the PM David Cameron say that "Nigeria is a dream waiting to happen".

She recognised the contributions and the difference that Nigerians are making in the UK - in hospitals, judiciary and schools. She said "We are proud of those Nigerians who are working hard in the Community."

* Mayor of Greenwich, Cllr. Angela Cornforth.

The Mayor talked about the various ways Nigeria and the UK can co-operate together "especially in Health because we understand the health issues facing us". She said co-operation is not easy to describe "but I recognise it when I see it". And that she has recognised the enormous co-operation in Christfaith Tabernacle International Church.

The songs and general prayers were remarkable and the giant overhead screen showed clips of images, Bible texts and important historical events as well as other reasons for the prayers.

Attendance was however shockingly low, notwithstanding the number of Christians in the South East UK and in Woolwich Arsenal in particular.

* Twitter: @bensonagoha.


* "Nothing Is Beyond The Reach of Prayer Except It Lies Outside The Will of God." ~ Anonymous.

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