Monday 28 October 2013


* Home Security.

"When you lock your door, don't forget the key", police advices as they tarckle burglary cases.

In a renewed drive to tackle the incidence of burglary, the Metropolitan Police advices householders to take steps to protect their property.

And to avoid the huge financial and emotional devastation that burglary often induces, they advice the following simple measures which should reduce its occurence.

They range from marking personal property to locking up garden sheds, being alert to the tricks of bogus callers, making "sure in your own mind that they are whom they claim to be".

Below are some of the guides people can take to deter burglars and improve security in their homes:

"■Think before you open the door - use your chain and spy hole or look out of the window to see if you recognise them.

■Ask callers for proof of identity. Genuine tradesmen should carry an identification card with their photograph on. Check this carefully. If you are unsure, telephone the company the caller claims to represent.

■The Utilities now offer a password identification system. Any caller from one of these companies should be able to give a pre-arranged password as additional proof of identity.

■Beware of callers who attempt to distract you by claiming that they have seen something untoward in your rear garden or somewhere which may encourage you to leave your house - they may have an accomplice awaiting this distraction.

■If you are not convinced of the identity of the caller, don't let them in. Ask the caller to come back later and arrange for a friend, relative or neighbour to be present on their return or ask the caller to contact this person."

More steps are listed in Home and Security Section of `Total Policing', at the official website of the Metropolitan Police.

* Twitter: @bensonagoha.

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