Wednesday 11 December 2013


* Protest.

Thamesmead Residents are today protesting against their Landlord, the Gallions Housing Association for imposing `exorbitant and unfair estate/service charges on them.

They accused the Gallions Association of charging them twice after they have paid their Council Tax.

The protestors who met up at the Tiger Cubz in Thamesmead central before heading to Gallions  offices in Sidcup, posted a photo of them carrying different placards.

One placard read "Gallions rob to pay finance their new ventures and redundancy payoffs" and written on another was "Service Charge: all charge, no service", and yet said another asked "Why do Gallions refuse to answer our questions."

The residents are also accussing Gallions Housing of a rip off while at the same asking Bexley Borough to adopt them.  They said, "we pay our Council Tax to Bexley, not the Borough of Gallions, so why should we pay twice?"

* Placcard bearing a strong message to Gallions Housing.

The protest had been a long time coming.

Not new to confrontation with Gallions, the Thamesmead residents in November 2012 raised a peitition against their landlord for reintroducting, what they called 'fairly unique situation' after 8 years of aparent break, estate charges for both Leaseholders and freeholders.  This they say was unacceptable.

There has been correspondece from both directions since, and today's scheduled protest, suggests that the dispute is far from over.

Tony Cotter, Chief Executive for Gallions Housing Association was not available for comment.

* Twitter: @bensonagoha
* Twitter: @woolwichonline


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