Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Lenten Contemplation: Lucira Jane Nebelung Talks About 40 Days Of Fasting

by Lucira Jane Nebelung

In Christian traditions, today is Ash Wednesday.

This marks the start of 40 days of penance in preparation for the Holy Week of Jeshua's Passion, Crucifixion and Resurrection at Easter. His life and death gave humanity not a single message, rather it gave mixed messages.

Jeshua stood for and taught the power of unconditional love and forgiveness. He came to show us that we are Christos, the conscious unity of our own hearts with life, that we are Love, the unity in all things.

Jeshua's "story" also imprinted humanity with subconscious beliefs that in living as love, we will experience betrayal, abandonment and crucifixion for defying the status quo of the elite - the money and power of religion, government and merchants. Humanity also carries a subconscious belief that we are inherently unworthy: Our love is inadequate and we lack the ability to overcome our "shortcomings." These beliefs have been reinforced by the patriarchal hierarchy and rules and rituals of humanity's institutions for the last 2,000 years.

The very nature of life is interwoven connection. We are not separate from this unity. We have a natural desire to belong and come together in community. The universal primal fears of betrayal, abandonment, execution, and unworthiness are what separate us from our true nature and one another. They are primal as they are fears we hold in our relationship to life aka "God."

In our mistrust, we have disconnected ourselves from the flow of life, pushing it out of balance. These inequities are unsustainable.

The breakdowns in our institutions and conflicts that we are witnessing are our collective creations based in these primal fears that are being revealed, brought from the shadows into the light of our consciousness.

These events might be considered current versions of the story of Jeshua overturning tables and throwing the money changers out of the temple.

Christian or not, during this time of spring's rebirth we all can choose to be free of our mind's fears and dissonant belief structures, resurrect our hearts and live the truth of our connection that is love. In other words, live as we are, as Christos in the unity of our hearts and create a new physical reality with the power of love, the unity in all things.

Jeshua's most powerful message is that we have a free will: Fear or love. It's our choice what we experience.

We are at the tipping point of a new expression of life. It is our consciousness that creates; there is no one here but us.

Much Love and Many Blessings!

* Lucira Jane Nebelung, Founder & Principal of "Leading as Love" and faculty member at The Graduate Institute, writes from Connecticut, USA.


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