Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Saudi Arabia Declaring All Atheists As Terrorists Sounds Like Music

by Benson Agoha

It was not an April fools joke, but media reports that Saudi Arabia declared all atheists as terrorists is exciting.

According to The Independent report, the Saudis have begun a crack down on political dissidents, and atheists as well as peaceful protesters, including those that fight abroad are to be brought under the auspices of a new "anti-terror" laws.

"Saudi Arabia has introduced a series of new laws which define atheists as terrorists," wrote The Independent, quoting the Human Rights Watch.

But the new decrees are target more at political dissidents than their believing brethren.

Atheists don't believe in the existence of deities. They do not believe that there is God that specifically controls human existence and actions.

But whether this will mark the beginning of broader war against spiritual terrorists is yet to be seen.

The most popular religions recognise higher spiritual authorities and create doctrines through which their messages are delivered to adherents.

Some of these doctrines preach against the abuse of spiritual knowledge or its negative use to take advantage of others.

Unfortunately, in-spite of the obvious rampant abuse of spiritual knowledge, perpetrators often get away with their acts, because governments still have not summoned up the necessary will to hone terror and anti-social laws to include abuses of spiritual knowledge.

For many years, I have tried to expose the ugly and regrettable evil unleashed against others, through negative use of spiritual knowledge.

Everything that the government stands for as far as preserving lives and health of individuals is negated by spiritual terrorists.

Where the government spends thousands per night on medical professional locums to keep people alive, spiritual terrorists terminate them without a care.

The danger is that once they try one thing and it proves workable to their satisfaction, they often want to do it again and again.

Spiritual terrorists are nobody's friends, even when they are mingling and laughing with you.

Let's hope that the Saudi move represents the first step in controlling the activities of spiritual aware individuals, and that the law on terror will soon be honed to include "spiritual terrorism".

My blog "S.T. Unmasked" discusses the various ways spiritualists take advantage of us, manipulating us, attempting to control our lives and unleashing evil against us.

Visit here to read more on this evil >>> [ SPIRITUAL TERRORISM UNMASKED By Benson Agoha ].

Visit here to sign my petition to stop it >>> [ STOP SPIRITUAL TERRORISM NOW! ].

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