Tuesday 24 June 2014

Egypt: International Protests Over Jailing of Al Jazeerah Journalists

by Benson Agoha

* Peter Greste was jailed among other journalists on Monday by an Egyptian Court.

Protests are continuing over the jailing of Al-Jazeerah journalists, among several others in Egypt on yesterday (Monday).

Journalists are in solidarity protests as they posted photos of themselves with their mouths sealed and a poster showing their opposition to the sentence.

Some of the poster read "Journalism is not a crime" and hundreds of journalists have taken part in protest by observing a one minute silence.

The guardian reports that the protest have spread from the UK media to include industry colleagues abroad who reported the "stood in silence for a one minute protest exactly 24 hours after three journalists were sentenced in Egypt for charges relating to terrorism."

The journalists, Peter Greste (Australian), Mohammed Fahmy, a Canadian-Egyptian acting as the Cairo bureau chief and Baher Mohammed, an Egyptian producer, were sentenced to at least seven years each in prison on terrorism-related charges that after an interview with the Muslim Brotherhood, which is outlawed in Egypt.

It comes as the international community move to persuade the Egyptian judiciary to reverse the decision which a BBC reporter described as  “wrong, wrong, wrong”.

Official pronouncement is expected.

* Woolwich Online: On Twitter; Facebook; Google+.

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