Saturday 24 January 2015

Tesco, Woolwich: Man arrested for manifest disorderliness inside Superstore.

by WO Staff

We have scaled down our reports about the many cases of shoplifting inside the Woolwich Tesco Extra.  But this one was funny as hell.

 An drunk elder man got himself hand-cuffed Thursday night, after he clambered up the escalator of the Woolwich Tesco Extra and showed up inside the shopping hall.  He went through aisles window-shopping, but WITHOUT stealing anything.

However, when he got to check-out, we were told, he became verbal and disorderly, even a bit `uncontrollable'. So the security was called in and, as he would not budge, police was called in.

He was arrested, handcuffed and his many layers of clothing frisked and items found on him put in an evidence bag.

The cops then drove him off in their van and he continued to rant at them.

An onlooker said, "getting yourself arrested for `nothing' is not worth it at all." And we wonder what the man will make of his behaviour when he wakes up in police cell after sobering up.

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