Saturday 30 May 2015

New Mayor of Royal Greenwich Cllr Norman Adams thanks New Wine for their efforts

by Benson Agoha | Woolich

The New Mayor of the Royal Borough of Greenwich, who together with his Deputy, Cllr. Olu Babatola, received his staff of office on Tuesday was among dignitaries from Royal Greenwich who attended the reception organised in honour of newly elected, re-elected and appointed leads from Royal Greenwich.

Mayor of Royal Greenwich: Cllr. Norman Adams
making his speech during the reception on Thursday.
(Credit: RBG)
The soft spoken Mayor, thanked New Wine Church for their invitation, saying he was impressed when he visited the Church before to witness the Xmas dinner organised for the needy by New Wine Church every Saturday.

He said: we recognise the sacrifices you have made for Xmas Dinners and so many other ways you have been helping out in our community." 

The Mayor he is hopeful that working together, the council and the church will make the borough a better place.

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