Wednesday 10 June 2015

Royal Greenwich calls for the imposition of additional levy on Tobacco

by WO Staff Writer | Greenwich

Royal Borough of Greenwich supports new report calling on Government to make tobacco companies foot the bill for reducing smoking rates.

The Royal Borough of Greenwich has joined more than 120 local and national organisations to back calls on the Government to impose an annual levy on tobacco companies. The money raised would pay for evidence-based tobacco control and stop smoking services which could save tens of thousands of lives over the next decade and play a key role in helping to reduce costs to the NHS from preventable ill health [1].

The new report, Smoking Still Kills [2], was published today (Weds 10 June) by ASH (Action on Smoking and Health) and calls for a new comprehensive strategy on tobacco paid for by placing a levy on the tobacco industry.

Every year smoking costs the NHS at least £2 billion and a further £10.8 billion in wider costs to society including social care costs of over £1 billion [3].

New ASH research also reveals that in England over 1.7 million households who live below the poverty line include an adult that smokes. If they quit over half a million households in England would be lifted out of poverty [4].

Cllr Denise Scott-McDonald, Royal Borough of Greenwich cabinet member for community well-being and public health said: “We have prioritized tackling tobacco in Greenwich over the last few years and have been successful in reducing smoking rates dramatically.

However, smoking still kills large numbers of people in Greenwich and is a major cause of health inequalities, causing a significant impact on our communities and families. For these reasons we are backing calls for a new Government strategy on tobacco, in which tobacco companies would contribute directly to the costs of helping people quit smoking.”

A series of campaigns and initiatives in Greenwich over recent years, jointly led by the Council and local NHS, has helped reduce smoking rates from over 24% of the adult population in 2010 to less than 17% in 2013.

For free help and support on quitting smoking, ring the council’s free Stop Smoking number on 0800 587 5833 or text ‘Quit’ to 60060 or send email to:

Smoking Kills. (Credit: via Wiki)
The report, Smoking Still Kills, calls for:

  1. A new vision for the country with ambitious target of achieving 5% smoking rate by 2035: No one should be left behind as we achieve a tobacco free future and health inequalities must not be allowed to widen.
  2. A new comprehensive five-year Government tobacco strategy for England: Comprehensive approach is vital - 70,000 lives have been saved due to falling smoking rates since the 1998, the first comprehensive government strategy on tobacco, Smoking Kills
  3.  A new approach to funding, annual levy on tobacco companies to fund tobacco control: Tobacco companies make over £1bn in profit in the UK and the harms from smoking to society are significant. They should pay to address the harms they cause.
  4. A comprehensive package of measurestaken together the recommendations in this report are designed to set us on the path to a smoke-free future by 2035.

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