Friday 12 June 2015

Royal Greenwich launch scheme to protect disabled parking spaces

by Our Staff Writer | Greenwich

The Royal Borough of Greenwich has won funding from the government to launch a scheme to safeguard parking spaces for disabled users.

Specially appointed investigating officers will be tightening up on a minority of motorists suspected of Blue Badge misuse.

There are currently more than 7,000 Blue Badge holders in the Royal Borough of Greenwich. A Blue Badge helps a disabled person to park close to their destination, either as the driver or a passenger. Blue Badges are displayed if the disabled person is travelling in the vehicle as a driver or passenger, or if someone is collecting or dropping off a disabled passenger and needs to park at the place where they are being met.

Unfortunately a minority of motorists misuse blue badges and the borough now wants to ensure those few motorists are prevented from potentially taking up parking needed by a genuine Blue Badge holder.

The investigating officers will work closely with the police, Mobility Team, parking attendants and other enforcement officers in the Council to sensitively investigate reports of Blue Badge fraud. Blue Badges can be issued for a number of different types of disability, not all of which are visible and blue badges can also be used by able-bodied drivers and carers who are collecting someone with a disability, so sometimes it may appear that Blue Badge misuse is taking place when in fact there is a legitimate need for the badge to be used.

Royal Greenwich asks people who suspect Blue Badge fraud to bear this in mind – and to simply pass on the details of their suspicions to the team who will sensitively investigate.

Councillor Danny Thorpe, Royal Borough of Greenwich Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Transport said: “This is a sensitive issue as often people may think a Blue Badge fraud is taking place when there’s an entirely legitimate reason for a person using disabled parking."

He said: "However, we’re also aware that there are a minority of people who unfortunately do abuse the system – which is there to make sure people with a genuine need can park as easily and conveniently as possible. We obviously want to do our utmost to support disabled residents so this is why we are clamping down on any Blue Badge misuse – to make sure genuine blue badge holders are protected. So please do contact the investigating team if you do think someone is misusing a blue badge”

Anyone found to be offending will face a Penalty Charge Notice and could face prosecution. In some cases, vehicles will be towed away. The team will also place warning notices on vehicles where an offence is suspected. Anyone found mis-using their Blue Badge following an investigation will have it taken away.

Royal Greenwich says "If you suspect someone of misusing a Blue Badge call 0800 169 6975 or email"

Any information you give will be handled sensitively and treated in confidence.

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