Friday 5 June 2015

What is your view about NHS 111?

Asks Dr Ellen Wright | Greenwich


Patients are key to helping us improve NHS services and ensure they are what local people need.  To help us provide local services for local people, we often ask patients for their views on our services.

The contract for NHS 111 in Greenwich expires this year and we want readers to tell us what they think about the service so we can make sure the new contract we award is for a service which fits the needs of local people.

NHS 111 makes it easier for the public to access urgent healthcare services when they need medical help fast. It is free to use and directs people to the right local service first time, or gives health advice that is best able to meet their needs. It supports urgent and emergency care services, ensuring that patients get the right care, first time.

Around 26,000 calls are made to NHS 111 in South East London every month.  We want to ensure the service is what local patients need and have developed a survey to help us gather people’s views and make changes to the service if required.

You can find the survey online at:

If you don’t have internet access but would like to give your views, call Gillian Ashton on 020 3049 4163 or The survey closes on 14th June 2014.

Please let us know what you think about 111.

* Dr Ellen Wright is Clinical Chair, NHS Greenwich Clinical Commissioning Group


Submit Letters, tips, photos or news for publication by writing to:

The Editor
Woolwich Online:
Phone: 0745 960 0852

* Please ensure that your address and contact number is included, although these may not be published.

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