Thursday, 9 July 2015

Corrupt Police Officer Looses Hand Trying To Arrest A Bus Driver

by Benson Agoha | Nigeria

A corrupt police officer, who tried to arrest a bus driver in the bustling city of Lagos, lost his hand in a fatal accident seen as a nemesis.

Media reports said, the accident which happened on Tuesday was caused by greed after the police officer tried to collect bribe `by all means' and the driver reportedly refused to pay bribe.

The policeman then jumped inside the bus to force the bus to stop, but the driver attempted to drive off with speed, in order to shake him off his steering.

As both struggled for control of the steering, the driver lost control and the wheel veered off course, hitting a barrier and somersaulting several times.

The police man's hand was cut off from the elbow.

It is thought that the driver's condition was critical as well although the report did not account for his whereabouts.

Bribe taking is rife in Lagos, where policemen often feed off road users `as a matter of right', and with this kind of report still emerging from a City like Lagos, it seems President Buhari's anti-corruption campaign has, either not yet taken off yet or not being taken seriously.

Disturbing images show you more.

* (All photos credit: via Nigeria Camera).

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