Saturday, 11 July 2015

Splash in the Desert: Annual water fight makes a splash in Tel Aviv Despite Cancellation

by Haaretz | Israel

Hundreds of Israelis frolicked in Tel Aviv's annual water fight on Friday, "splashing each other with a veritable bucket-list of fluid-shooting contraptions", according to a report by Haaretz Newspaper.
Photos Credit: Reuters via Haaretz.

It see participants upgrade from the traditional water guns to more elaborate apparatuses. The event featured hundreds of water-gun toting youths, getting drenched in a water war, even though the event cancellation.

Haaretz said the event have been in place since 2004 when Water War Tel Aviv started and has been religiously observed ever since, "on the first Friday of July every year.

At times, the event draws thousands of participants. This year, after first pushing the event to the month's second Friday, the event's organizers sadly announced its cancellation siting security concerns - it went ahead nevertheless.

However, revelers spontaneously showed up at Habima Square and completely and utterly soaked each other.  There was not major adverse incidence reported.

Photos Credit: Reuters via Haaretz.

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