Saturday 12 September 2015

If you suspect you are being cyber-scammed, Interpol Is Not Far Away

by Benson Agoha | Woolwich

If you suspect anyone of trying to get your log-in details with bogus promisses and stories, all hope is not lost.
* Michael O'Connel, Interpol, France
A gang that tried to obtain the log-in details of a Face Book user who was fund-raising was frustrated through quick thinking and research.

The gang has suggested that his email was featured in the SPG Grant Scheme and that he could obtain as much as $25,000.

And although this contact insisted that the scheme was not for global users, the gang insisted it was and requested for his details.

If you get a request for the following information on the email or email, do be careful.

Full Name:.........................................
Nick: ..........
Home Address: .................................................................................
Phone Number:..........................................................
Facebook Email:...........................................
Age:....................................................................................... Facebook Password:................................
Monthly Income:...........................................................................
Occupation: .................................................................... Sex:...................................................................................................................
Date of Birth:...........................................................
Marital Status:....................................................

But if you fall the scams, you can get in touch with Interpol.  Watch these videos recently released by Interpol, which has made its services available in 190 countries to tackle terrorism and cyber-crimes.

Director of  Operational Policy and Support, Interpol, France, Michael O-Connell said Interpol has proven and secure bio-metric details in their bank and has inter-connected 182 countries.  He said the institution also hold about 228,000 and can verify suspects very quickly.

Watch this videos and know what to do, if need be.

Interpole Video One:

Interpole Video Two:

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