Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Farmer Discovers Skeleton of A Woolly Mammoth In A Field

by Benson Agoha | Archaeology

A famer has uncovered the skeletal remains of a Woolly Mammoth, buried deep in a field, near Chelsea in Michigan. Is was reported to have lived some 10,000 to 15,000 years ago, Sky News reports. It is thought to have been butchered by humans.

The find was without the arms and legs of the huge animal and they are suspected to have been burried elswhere. Only about a fifth of its bones are retrieved.

Recovered parts included the skull and two giant tusks; vertebrae and ribs; the pelvis and shoulder blades - one full shoulder blade and part of the other shoulder blade.

The find is thought to be a male.

The narrator said: "what we found here is a partial skeleton of a woollly mammoth. An adult male, probably lived in his 40s at the time of its death, probably lived between 10,000-15,000 years ago."

He said: "It is not all of the animal. In fact it is the skull, the jaw, the tusk, many of the vertebrate - not all of them, many of the ribs - not all of them, some of the pelvis, part of the shoulder blade, actually part of the other shoulder blade too, one knee cap."

Other than those, he said there were nothing else.

The pieces were thought to have been brought here by humans who had intended to come back to retrieve them when they needed fresh meet, the narrator said in the video.

The humans left evidence like the three large boulders next to one another.

The geologic dating is yet to be done and it is expected that it will shed more light into the discovery.

To read more about the discovery and watcht the video, visit: www.skynews.com.

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