Monday 5 October 2015

Deziani Allison-Madueke, Nigeria's Former Petroleum Minister's Trial May Hold in London

by Benson Agoha | Financial Crime

Arrested in London on Friday, Nigeria's Former Petroleum Minister, Deziani Allison-Madueke's trial has reportedly appeared in Court this morning.
* In court: Deziani Allison-Madueke
On arrival in London on Friday, a reported sum of £27,000 was seized from her, and the cash may be detained till 2016, going by events unfolding today at Westminster Magistrates Court.

However, as the application for cash detention was filed today at Westminster Magistrates Court for detention of cash seized under the Proceeds of Crime Act, it has to be seen whether the court will grant it or throw it out.

If the court refuses the application, the cash may be handed back to the former Nigeria's Petroleum Minister, even though things may still change in the course of time.

And although she has not been charged with any crime just yet, the situation may change, especially as another report say Nigerian officials are heading to London, with documentary evidence against her.
* Court appearance confirmation

It comes after another sum of N1.2 million (£4,000) was said to have been recovered from her house in Abuja by agents of Nigeria's Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). That too is still just speculation and no proof has been provided yet.

With the Westminster Magistrates court confirmation that Deziani Allison-Madueke was in court this morning, it is now matter of wait and see for events to unfold.

It all seems interesting at first with conflicting reports at the Magistrate Court where journalists were, initially not sure of the exact position of things.

Updates included from Sam Piranty of the BBC who tweeted: "On #diezani watch this morning. Unlikely she'll arrive here after story leaked to press about today #Nigeria." and also provided an update tweeting "...@sampiranty ..great, makes sense now with the court Clark telling me her Didzeani's name was mentioned in a 'related case'"

* Media men waited for her arrival..but she was in court
without them noticing.. (Credit: via Nigeria Camera).

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