Friday 16 October 2015

Tesla Is More Optimistic With Self Driving Car After Test Driving On Auto-pilot

Jalopnik | Technology

If you have been wondering why there has been so much buzz about Tesla's Auto pilot system, you need to see this video.

Publish on Wednesday, the You'tube video shows a vehicle tester, test-driving one of the vehicles fitted with Autopilot v7.0 software.

It shows him explaining some of the features of the new system, which precedes the self-driving models, and getting excited at some point.

* Tesla charging point
And though still very afraid, he explains how the vehicle navigates its way through live traffic, including dogging other vehicles and even over-taking some. But he slams on the break due to fear.

Tesla says the self-driving vehicles may still be some years in the future before, it becomes a reality, the performance and the public response to it may bring self-driving experience sooner.

The new Autopilot can steer, Park and map the road you're driving on for future identification and easier travel.

As expected, the public is excited and even though it was just published two days ago, the video has been viewed more than 2 million times.

Watch the video:

Even so, issues of legality may have to be considered as the courts and insurance companies consider who should be responsible for what.

So bottom-line, for now, drivers will still be in charge of the vehicles, but they will have to adapt to relaxing and allowing the vehicle make the moves.

It comes as google continues the trialing of its self-driving vehicles, which were experimented on actual road conditions with live traffic.

* Photo Credit: via Jalopnik
* Photo Credit: via Jalopnik
* Photo Credit: via Jalopnik
* Jalopnik and Youtube

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