Wednesday 4 November 2015

Man Beheads Wife After Finding Out Her 6 Kids Were Not His Through DNA Tests

Kissy Denise | News On the Web

A man killed his wife, by beheading her after he found out that of five children calling him dad, non belonged to him biologically.

* Tragic Couple: The Rainfords.
(Image Credit: Ask Kissy)
Karen Rainford, a mother of six children, was beheaded in Mountain View, California, by the `father' of her six younger children.

According to reports, Rainford, who had been told he was the father of the six childredn and who had always believed the story, reportedly found out that none of the children were his.

Further reports says that days leading up to the murder, the alleged father, subjected the children to a DNA test, from which he uncovered the deception.

He subsequently cut his locks and confided in close ones that he would kill her. His anger was anchored on the allegation that Karen would often visit him at work in an effort to collect Child support.

The father was said to be angry because she had followed him from site to site, embarrassing him for child support perhaps knowing that the children were not his.

He is reportedly being held in jail and with a 2 Million Dollar bond on his head.

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