Wednesday 4 November 2015

Royal Greenwich Celebrates Its Living Wage Employers

by our RBG Correspondent | Woolwich

The Royal Borough of Greenwich welcomed the borough’s Living Wage employers at a special event on Monday 2 November at the Woolwich Centre.

The event was hosted by Denise Hyland (pictured right), Leader of the Royal Borough, and Councillor Sizwe James, Lead Member for Business, Employment and Skills, in conjunction with the Living Wage Foundation and Citizens UK, who campaign for employers to pay the Living Wage. The event was held to recognise and celebrate the achievements of Greenwich’s Living Wage employers.

Local businesses who have already expressed their committed to becoming a Living Wage employer were thanked, and others who have not already signed up were urged to do so.

The Royal Borough of Greenwich is a long-standing supporter of the Living Wage, having secured its accreditation in 2013. Building on this commitment, the Council launched its own Greenwich Living Wage Campaign in early 2015.

In order to help local businesses off-set the direct costs associated with setting up and paying the living wage, the Council established a business rate discount scheme as an incentive to the first 100 businesses receiving accreditation in 2015/16 – which will cover 5 years of Living Wage Foundation subscription.

There are now 125 businesses expressing commitment to become accredited and we are shortly approaching the half way mark for those already achieving accreditation as a result of the Council’s local campaigning

As well as thanking local businesses for joining up, the event also provided an opportunity for the Council to share its ambitions for supporting Living Wage employers.
* Royal Greenwich Leader, Cllr Denys Hyand, and
Employers who have adopted the Living Wage.
Councillor Denise Hyland, Leader of the Royal Borough of Greenwich, said: “After years of slow economic growth, during which time wages for many have stagnated and failed to keep pace with the rising costs of living, I and many of our local councillors have seen first-hand the effects the welfare reforms are having - impacting most on the poorest families in our society.

Promoting a Living Wage is key to the Council’s priorities of growth, job creation and our vision for tackling poverty in Royal Greenwich. That’s why I am proud to say that the Royal Borough of Greenwich is a long-standing supporter of the Living Wage. I implore our local businesses to do the right thing and aspire to become a Living Wage employer - sign up to the campaign now.”

Tor Njamo, Greenwich Citizens member and President of Ravensbourne Student Union, said, “I’m delighted after discussions with students and staff, that we can be proud to be a leader on ethical procurement on Greenwich Peninsula and the HE/FE sector through Living Wage accreditation. If we can do it, surely there must be at least 100 employers in Greenwich that can do it too.”

Councillor Sizwe James - Lead Member for Business, Employment and Skills said: “The event provided an opportunity to pause and reflect on the collective achievements the Council and its partners have made in helping to tackle the issue of low pay – building on The Living Wage Foundation and Citizens UK pioneering work in the area.

The Council is proud to be recognised as a ‘Leading Living Wage’ borough. The Living Wage Campaign is an excellent example of a working partnership that delivers results for businesses, but also makes a real difference to individuals, families and the wider community”.

Join in the Living Wage conversation on social media by using #Greenwich #LivingWage.

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