Thursday, 26 November 2015

"Violence And Conflict Feed On Fear, Mistrust & The Despair Born Of Poverty," Say Pope Francis

by Benson Agoha | Pope-In-Kenya

"All human persons – all of us – are important in God’s eyes." - Pope Francis

Pope Francis began the first leg of a 6 day visit to Africa yesterday, in Kenya and as it is customary with Papal visits, Kenya was filled with security personnel as the Pontiff held a Holy Mass this morning.

He was greeted by hundreds of thousands of Kenyans who defied the rain and lined the streets as he was driven in his custom vehicle to the University of Kenya where he delivered a speech.

In his usual rhetorical self, the Pontiff reminded every one of the importance of life and said all human persons, are important in God's eyes.

Diplomats and UN staff were ready and waiting for the Papal address by the time he visited the UN offices in Gigiri, Kenya.

He also visited St Mary's Church and told the congregation 'Thank you for following Jesus'.

For those who love nothing but violence, the Pope has a message for them: "Violence and conflict ", he said "..feed on fear, mistrust and the despair born of poverty".

But the antics of a traditional dancer was met with laughter as if the Pontiff wondered if the message of Jesus was making any dent on the dancer's beliefs at all.

And like the biblical Zacchaeus, one young Burundian climbed the roof (right) to ask for help for her country while a painter made a portrait for the pontiff who is visiting Africa for the first time as a Pope.

The Pope's visit marked the beginning of Kenya's National Day of Prayer and Reflection. He is visiting Kenya as part of his state visit to Africa and is due to visit three countries in 6 days.

* Pope Francis speaks while Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta listens.
* the Crowd

* Pounding rain did not stop Kenyans from going out to greet the pope

* Service chiefs with President Uhuru Kenyatta

* At the United Nations office in Gigiri, Kenya
* At the St. Mary's Church

* At the University of Kenya

* A traditional dancer entertains the Pope and others.

* Kenyan President and the Pontiff enjoyed a laugh caused
by a traditional dancer (above.)

* The Pope holds service at St. Mary's Catholic Church

* Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta listens to the Pontiff

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