Tuesday 26 January 2016

`Dead Man' Saved By Heroic Barking Dog After A Mid-night Stroke

This is story reported on the Huffpost Lifestyle is very interesting. Where some dogs have been involved in despicable acts of mauling their owners or owners children, one man who 'Died For 17 Minutes', after Suspected heart attack was saved by his 'Heroic' barking dog.

The businessman known as Andy Smith, a 48 year old collapsed in the middle of the night in what was thought to be a stroke or heart attack. But his dog, called Gracie, reportedly backed non-stop till help came after his step-daughter was woken up by the incessant barking.

By the time the help came, his heart had stopped working and when he was taken to the hospital, he was in coma for 9 days, but later coming around.

According to the story. medics praised Gracie’s instinct, predicting that the story might have been different, making it sound like a dog who knows how to repay one good turn, having been rescued from homelessness while pregnant.

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