Tuesday 5 January 2016

Mazda Targets Instagram Users With New Sexy Model

by Nancy Weirh | Automobile
Mazda revs up sales through a show-casing of it's product's On Instagram conversation and conversion

Instagram - the favoured social media platform for models, celebrities and even restaurateurs, is not losing any of its lustre.
Instagram is now the target of auto marketing professionals.  Specifically, Mazda on now on ground in Instagram, showcasing its Model CX3 in red and white colours and asking users a simple question "Which #CX3 is your Cup of Tea?"
According to the Mobile Marketing Association, Mazda Motor Corporation is now using Instagram to drive up `fast and furious' sales with a mobile advertising campaign that focused on interacting with consumers through a native integration then leads from Instagram to the automaker’s site.
Mazda is connecting with fans and consumers through a sponsored ad campaign on Instagram, requesting users to interact by commenting with their favorite CX3 vehicle.
The native post brings interested users to the Mazda Web site, connecting them with local dealers and special offers to maximize sales.
Gary Schwartz, president and CEO of Impact Mobile defended saying "Social is a noisy space and brands can be drowned out,” adding “Last year, Mazda blazed a promotional trail with its 'The Long Drive Home' Instagram puzzle.
“Social innovation and incentive of the keys to a car for one lucky fan,” he said.

Conversation conversions is used to entice consumers to interact directly with a sponsored post and bring brands such as Mazda to the forefront of users’ minds, in the simple belief that first-hand communication with them creates a lasting impression.
Mazda’s Instagram post shares a picture of two of its vehicles, asking users “which #CX3 is your cup of tea,” hoping they will respond in the comments and as you can see above, at the time of the screenshot the question had already attracted 7,541 Likes and almost 40 comments.
Not bad for an effort that demands immediate feedback.
* Lead by Mobile Commerce Daily.

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