Friday 26 February 2016

Pregancy Scan - How Technology Tells Today What We Should Have Known In Nine Months

by Nancy Weirh | Woman's Corner

As a woman you are concerned with growing up, getting married and making the choice of having a child or children. But sometimes, you wonder what is happening to you.
These days technology helps answer some of those question - for example whether you are pregnant or what baby you are preparing to welcome. The image above is a typical scan that confirms one woman is indeed pregnant.
Pregnancy scans are carried out by experts called ultra-sonographers. They help answer questions regarding different stages of a pregnancy using ultra-sound scan equipment.  They reports and pictures of the little one inside does a good job of calming nerves.
Sonographers can conduct Early Pregnancy Viability Scans; Pregnancy Growth Scan, as well as Gender Scan once the pregnancy reaches 18 weeks and over.
Early Pregnancy Viability Scans: The first scan routinely offered by the NHS is not until twelve weeks of pregnancy. So the viability scan performed between 6-16 weeks gestational age provides welcome reassurance that your baby's heartbeat is present.
It means that your pregnancy is viable. The examination is performed through your tummy known as `trans-abdominal scan' or internally known as `trans-vaginal scan'. Both methods are painless and safe in early pregnancy, so which is preferred will depend on the expert handling your case.

Ultra-soonographers will often be on the lookout to:
* Confirm presence/absence of heart beat
* Position of sac (excludes ectopic pregnancy)
* Number of foetuses seen
* Measure the length of foetus using Crown Rump Length to establish fatal age and
* Check your ovaries
Growth Scan: The growth scan is usually performed on pregnancies that are between 16-36 weeks gestational age. You can do it any time and no preparation is needed.
Ultra-Sonographer will often be on the lookout to:
* Foetal heart action
* Foetal measurements including HC (head) AC (body) and Femur (thigh bone) to assess growth pattern
* Placental position
* Assess liquor volume (fluid surrounding foetus)
* Give parents opportunity to view their baby
* Determine gender if required
* Detailed anomaly scan is not provided at this clinic.
* Foetal anatomy seen during the scan will be commented on.

Gender Scan (From over 18 weeks): This scan is not to be performed before 18 weeks, and no preparation is needed.

Ultra-Sonographers will often checkout for:
* Foetal heart action and movement.
* Determine foetal gender. If unable to determine gender at first scan a further appointment can be made with no charge.
* Give parents opportunity to view their baby.
* Foetal growth and anatomy not checked.
* Cervical Length
* Performed TVS
* Sonographer will check
* The length of the cervix
* Check foetal heart action scanning TA.

As can be seen from the scan above, the lady is expecting a female child and although children can often be made to wear gender neutral clothing, the knowledge helps the mother stay in line when making plans for the baby's arrival.

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