Tuesday 29 March 2016

More Buildings In Royal Greenwich Assessed For Their Accessibility To People With Disabilities

by Nancy Weirh | Woolwich

Another 17 council and public buildings are being added to a website detailing their accessibility to people with disabilities.

The buildings – whose inclusion reflects suggestions from members of the public - include a dance school, a children’s centre, two supermarkets, a yacht club, a health charity, the probation service and several sports facilities.

The buildings have been added to the existing list of some 1,200 buildings included in the online register operated by the disability charity DisabledGo, which audits buildings for their level of accessibility.

Cllr David Gardner, the Royal Borough’s Cabinet Member for Health, Social Care & Public Health, said: “The Council works hard to ensure that people with disabilities have the opportunity to enjoy the same amenities and facilities that the rest of the community does. We hope the guide compiled with DisabledGo will be useful to our residents as well as to people who visit, study and work in the borough.”

For accessibility details of all buildings on the register, visit:

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