Tuesday 29 March 2016

Royal Greenwich Prosecutes Plumstead Resident For Using Dead Mother’s Blue Badge

by Benson Agoha | Woolwich

On 21 March 2016 at Bexley Magistrates Court, 47 year old Abdul Karim of Villacourt Road, Plumstead, was found guilty in his absence of misusing his deceased mother’s Blue Badge.

Mr Karim was seen on 3 November 2015 returning to his car parked on a yellow line in Polytechnic Street, Woolwich, when Royal Borough investigators asked to inspect the Blue Badge displayed in his car. Mr Karim told investigators that his mother was elsewhere in Woolwich but investigators did not believe his story and confiscated the badge.

Following checks it was established that Mr Karim’s mother had passed away in May 2015.

Mr Karim was asked to attend an interview under caution where he expressed remorse for his actions. He denied that he had used the badge on other occasions since his mother passed away.

* A sample Blue Badge. Blue Badges give priority to people with disability.
A decision was made to prosecute Mr Karim for using his deceased mother’s Blue Badge and on 21 March at Bexley Magistrates Court, Mr Karim was found guilty in his absence. 

Mr Karim was sentenced to a £440 fine and ordered to pay a contribution towards prosecution costs of £700 plus a Victim Surcharge of £44. A Collection Order was made to ensure repayment of the fines.

Councillor Maureen O’Mara, Cabinet Member for Customer Services at Royal Greenwich, said: “As part of its on-going commitment to prevent and detect fraud the Royal Borough is taking rigorous action to tackle Blue Badge misuse. This is good news for all genuine Blue Badge holders who so often are inconvenienced by other car drivers who take up valuable parking spaces whilst misusing Blue Badges that they have no right to use.”

If you suspect someone of committing Blue Badge fraud against the Royal Borough please call 0800 169 6975 or email
Any information you give will be treated in confidence.

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