Thursday 7 April 2016

Police Arrest A Man And A Woman Under Terrorism Act

by Benson Agoha | Crime

Two persons were arrested early Wednesday, for offences under the terrorism Act, a Met Police statement revealed.

Officers from the Counter Terrorism Command arrested the 49-year-old man and 45 year-old woman for offences under the act.

In a statement released by the Met, the woman was first arrested at an address in north London on suspicion of disseminating a terrorist publication and supporting a proscribed organisation. 

The man was then arrested at an address in east London also on suspicion of disseminating a terrorist publication.

Both were taken to a south London police station where they remained pending further enquires, Police said.

Investigation continued and officers later searched the addresses in north and east London.

Police said the arrests are linked to the Revolutionary People's Liberation Party DHKP-C, a proscribed organisation, and are in relation to the distribution of a magazine believed to glorify acts of terrorism in Turkey, and inviting support for a proscribed organisation.

The police statement said the arrests were made under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act  (PACE) of 1984 which sets out to strike the right balance between the powers of the police and the rights and freedoms of the public.

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