Sunday 10 April 2016

Woolwich Online Has Pitched At VOOM2016, Please Vote For Us


* Our Thumbnail, so you can easily recognise our Pitch
The moment we have been working towards has finally come and we need your support.

Woolwich Online has pitched at VOOM2016, but we know the journey has just began and would not have proceeded thus far without our readers and supporters.

As part of the process, votes are taken and they are now acceptable from the online community.

Watch this short video:

We appreciate every single support you have given us thus far - we do not take them for granted.

But please, at this defining moment, we need that support even more.

Kindly support Woolwich Online at VOOM2016 by voting for us.

Look out for our Unique Mark (above). You will see it listed among others as a guide to our pitch. Please click on our Logo and you can vote for Woolwich Online.
Save time, go straight to our page and vote, please click here:
Watchout for this Mark:


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