Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Nigeria and Afghanistan Are `Fantastically Corrupt', Say PM David Cameron

by Metro News | News on The Web
* Map of Nigeria
Prime Minister David Cameron has been captured on camera telling the Queen that Nigeria and Afghanistan are among `fantastically corrupt' countries whose leaders are expected to arrive Britain for the anti-corruption summit, Metro reported this morning.

According to the report: The PM told Her Majesty yesterday that "We had a very successful cabinet meeting this morning to talk about our anti-corruption summit," then added "actually we've got the leaders of some fantastically corrupt countries coming to Britain."

The PM said: "Nigeria and Afghanistan, possibly two of the most corrupt countries in the world'.

But there a good news. The report ended by saying that a spokesman for President Buhari confirmed that "things are changing with corruption and everything else."

The Afghan Embassy was more out-spoken, calling the remarks unfair and insisting that "President Ghani and his government have taken major steps to fight corruption.'

Nigeria, on the West of Africa is a country of about 175 million people. In recent years, the Economic And Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has pushed down on the pedal of its war against financial economic crimes which bring bad name to the country at the world stage.

President Muhammadu made War against corruption his priority on assuming office in May last year.
So far there is no sign that President Buhari may boycott the London Anti-Corruption Summit.


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