Saturday 11 June 2016

Anger At BBC For Being Too Obsessed With Muhammad Ali's Death

by Benson Agoha | News

* The Greatest: Muhammad Ali died at age 74.
The popularity of Muhammad Ali, who was laid to rest on Friday was not enough to stop some complaining about the BBC's obsession with his death.

Some disgruntled complaints accuse the BBC of featuring the news as "Breaking", some 14 hours after it had already by publicly known.

Others say, it was featured on the BBC's Prime Time when, it was no longer something new.

But early today, a BBC editor defended their action saying the BBC featured it on the Prime Time as it considered it necessary and have no regrets.

Muhammad Ali funeral procession in his home town of Louisville, Kentucky, saw celebrities such as former Heavy Weight champion Mike Tyson and Actor, Will Smith among those who carried his casket.

Former African American rights activist, Jesse Jackson also spoke at the service.

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