Tuesday 14 June 2016

End of Life Charter signed by the Royal Borough of Greenwich

Councillor David Gardner
by our RBG Correspondent | Woolwich

On Tuesday 7 June, Cllr David Gardner (right), Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care, added his name to the list of proud signatories of the Greenwich and Bexley Community Hospice’s End of Life Charter.

The Charter, created in partnership with patients, carers, residents, and health and social care professionals, aims to make death and dying everyone’s business – people, families, communities, health and social care networks and organisations – and to encourage all aspects of our community to help people at the end of life.

Cllr Gardner said: “This is an excellent initiative by our superb local Greenwich and Bexley Hospice which we are pleased to support. Everyone deserves respect, compassion and dignity at the end of their life. The Royal Borough of Greenwich is firmly committed to upholding these principles throughout its care services and I welcome the same commitment being made by both our providers and partners.”

Representatives of Lewisham & Greenwich NHS Trust, the CCGs and Healthwatch organisations, care homes, and faith and community groups in both boroughs will also be signing the Charter in the next few weeks.

The Greenwich and Bexley Community Hospice is coordinating signatories and would welcome the opportunity to meet with groups and organisations interested in signing the Charter and supporting its aims.

For more information about the charter, please visit:

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