Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Men's Health Week. How Do You Beat Stress? Asks, Greenwich NHS CCG

by NHS Greenwich Clinical Commissioning Group

We all get stressed. Stress is normal. It's what you do to beat it that matters. This is the theme of Men's Health Week 2016 (13-19 June).

How you beat stress matters because if we don’t release stress, it can turn into something more serious. Stress can cause mental health problems - 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem. That is odds of 3 to 1. Or about the same as France or Germany winning the Euro 2016 football. In other words, it’s likely to happen sooner or later if we let stress build.

GP’s in Greenwich are supporting Men’s Health Week and sending out a message to local men - talk about how you beat stress, talk about what causes it, talk to your mates, talk to your family. And if you want to talk to a professional, try the Men’s Health Forum’s new
Beat Stress service. The interactive tool allows you to free text chat with experts trained in beating stress.

Local GP Dr Ellen Wright (top right), Chair of NHS Greenwich Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), said: “We know that almost three quarters of people who kill themselves are men, and men find it harder than women to talk about their feelings."

“But talking can absolutely help to ease stress. Too much stress can damage your immune system and heart; increase your chances of serious health problems; reduce life expectancy; and damage your sex life. There are many things we can do to beat stress, like exercising more or learning something new or different."

“If symptoms of distress are making you unwell, you should speak to your GP, the practice nurse at the surgery or if you have one, the occupational health nurse at your workplace.”

Top tips for beating stress: We’re all different. If you're feeling sad, anxious, angry or stressed, remember you're not alone. Here are some tips to help you.

* Learn what pushes your stress and anger buttons.
* Walk away rather than lose your temper.
* Be honest with yourself. It will enable you to be honest with others.
​* Talk about what’s on your mind. Don’t bottle it.

* Read real-life stories​​​ from other people who have felt the same way.
* Find out where they found help and how they are getting on now.

Read more by visiting this site below:

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