Wednesday 8 June 2016

General Motors is ‘Undervalued’ Say CEO Mary Barra Who Insist US Automaker Can Sustain Profit Long Term

by Industry Week | Technology

* GM CEO Mary Barra, seen here in January introducing the
 Chevy Bolt EV at CES 2016 says GM is undervalued.(Credit: IW)
You have heard of read it in recent times how auto makers may have a worry or two.  Think back to September last when, German Auto giant Volks Wagen was outed for smartly beating emission control officials by installing a clever software to help out. Or the recent story in the papers that Tesla, owned by billionaire Elon Musk is in need of cash.

If you thought these reports could be replicated across the auto industry, you might be disappointed to find an exception.

General Motors CEO, Mary Barra has claimed in a recent speech that the company was undervalued and therefore, can sustain profit for the long haul.

“I absolutely think, and we think, we’re undervalued right now.” she said, as she commented on potential threats to auto companies ahead of GM’s annual meeting in Detroit.

Slowing growth in U.S. auto sales is among sources of concern to auto manufacturers as well as threats from the actions of industry competitors like Uber Goggle which is researching self-driving vehicles.

But she said: “We’re going to continue to work to keep making sure people understand exactly the mission of General Motors and what we’re working toward. I believe that as we continue to do that, that’s something that will take care of itself.”

Read the fully article on Industry Week.

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