Saturday 18 June 2016

Keep Your Hands Off My Car As 50 Cent Smacks Kid Reaching Into His Car

by Benson Agoha | VLAD TV

He is a well loved rapper and actor, but 50 Cent is not afraid of controversy either.

The star known for often flashing cash even while claiming he is going bankrupt was shown on a video smacking a kid who tried to reach into his open-roofed convertible Rolls Royce.

According to a report on VLAD TV the altercation was caught on video and uploaded by M2M Promo.

It shows the camera man walking up to 50 Cent’s convertible and saw him wearing headphones. But when he said “what’s good 50,” the rapper immediately turns the other way to address a young fan trying to reach into his car.

He smacks the fan's hands away and the camera man then moves away from his vehicle.

50 Cent is said to be a no-nonsensical kind of musician and does not hold back in replying to his critics.

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