Saturday 9 July 2016

5 Police Officers Killed, 6 Wounded by Snipers in Dallas #BlackLivesMatter Protest

by Benson Agoha

By the last count when Police declared Dallas Safe, 5 Police officers were dead and several others injured in what became a reprisal attack after the latest shooting of a blackman while still seating with his seat belt intact and his girlfriend was seated right besides him.

Video footage of the incident which emerged on Facebook shortly after the incident was touchy and according to Breitbart News, the attack was a coordinated one on police in Dallas, Texas.

The gunman, a 25 year old by name of Micah Johnson, acted alone, Police later declared.

• Five police officers killed, seven wounded in Dallas, Texas ambush attack
• One suspect killed, three in custody… Police: Potentially more
• Police: Suspect said he wanted to kill white people
• Black Lives Matter protesters celebrated and taunted officers after the attack
• Trump cancels rally: “We must restore law and order… Our nation has become too divided.”
• Slain suspect identified as Micah Xavier Johnson, 25, a former Army Reservist
• Investigators change course, claim Johnson acted alone

Read the full story at

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