Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Royal Greenwich Takes Swift Action On Anti-social Behaviour Against Resident

by Benson Agoha
A tenant who repeatedly caused a nuisance to his neighbours and his community has been served a closure order on his property for his reckless behaviour.

The Royal Borough of Greenwich Anti-social Behaviour Team first became aware of the issue in October 2015 when they began to receive complaints regarding anti-social behaviour and alleged drug taking at No. 12 Dornberg Close.

Officers quickly swooped down on the address to put the complaints to the tenant. They denied the allegations but complaints continued to mount. Following extensive investigation and regular patrols, it quickly became evident that drugs were being dealt from the address and that different people were visiting the property at all times of the day but especially at night.

Officers assigned to this case witnessed fighting, intimidation and foul, abusive language from the visitors directed to residents who had politely asked them to be quiet.

The Royal Borough of Greenwich’s building of a case against the tenant was strongly aided by three residents willing to make formal statements, and following on from extensive negotiation with support agencies, it was agreed to close the premises for a period of 3 months.

At a Bromley Magistrate’s Court hearing on the 11 May 2016, it was agreed that as a result of the disorderly, offensive and criminal behaviour at the address, a closure order would be served on the premises for three months with the occupier forced to find alternative accommodation.

Cllr Jackie Smith (top right), Cabinet Member for Community Safety & Environment said: “I am very glad that we were able to take such decisive action in this case and stamp out this harmful source of anti-social behaviour. I would like to thank those residents who bravely came forward to give statements and help us secure the serving of this closure order.”

For more information on reporting anti-social behaviour, please visit: or call 020 8921 4411.

1 comment:

  1. It is interesting how Greenwich Council take action in some cases but not others, with no real logic to some of their actions. In Charlton right now there are several cases of problem tenants being housed alone in multiple bedroom properties, sometimes causing noise and other issues for their neighbours. Yet the Council refuses to accept these problems or listen to private tenants because it would mean rehousing the problem person elsewhere. It's a case of a total NIMBY attitude on the part of the Council.


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