Sunday 12 April 2020

Together We Will Overcome COVID-19, Says British PM

Boris Johnson, then Mayor of London, saluting Londoners
from British Tall Ship "Tenacious" when he visited the
 Royal Greenwich Tall Ships Festival in 2014.

Image Credit: via Woolwich Online
British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson has recovered from the Coronavirus which kept in hospital for the past week.
In a video message shared on social media, the PM expressed his gratitude to the NHS for saving his life saying it was had to find the words to express his debt to the Britain's Health Service.

He said he wanted to thank everyone in the entire UK for the effort and sacrifice they had made and are still making.

The PM said the efforts of millions of people across Britain to stay home were worth it. He said "together we will overcome this challenge, as we have overcome so many challenges in the past. "

He added that Britain was making progress "with the incredible battle against corona virus."

He encouraged Britons to stay at home in order to save lives.

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