Saturday 9 May 2020

COVID-19 - UK Statistics Agency Say Blacks More Vulnerable to Coronavirus Than Whites

Britain's Statistics Agency, The Office Of National Statistics says that black people are more vulnerable to the coronavirus than white people.

ONS said in a tweet, Thursday that all considered, Black ethnicity still have a #COVID19 mortality risk that is 1.9 times higher than those of White ethnicity.

The office of national statistics said it took into consideration socio-demigraphic characteristics, including deprivation self-reported health and disability during the 2011 census.

Image Credit: via Twitter/ONS
ONS said "After adjusting for socio-demographic characteristics – including deprivation – and self-reported health and disability at the 2011 Census, males of Black ethnicity still have a #COVID19 mortality risk that is 1.9 times higher than those of White ethnicity"

In a follow-up tweet, ONS said "Both males and females of Bangladeshi and Pakistani, Indian, and Mixed ethnicities also had statistically significant raised risk of death by #COVID19 compared with those of White ethnicity."

But the tweet got a flurry of replies from followers.  One wrote "Excuse my ignorance, but how do you interpret the difference in outcomes for those of Indian heritage and those of Pakistani/Bangladeshi background?"

Another wondered if it could be linked to Vitamin D absorption, adding "I notice the infection recovery rate in India is quite high?"

A third said "Skin colour is about 2 things. Vitamin D which protects against infection and melanin which protects against skin cancer. Before the agricultural revolution there were no white skinned humans anywhere because a hunter gatherer diet supplied enough Vit D. Low meat/sun = low Vit D"

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