Monday 11 May 2020

Global Coronavirus Cases As Sourced From ECDC And NCDC Reports

If you are in the dark about the global figures of the coronavirus outbreak, below is a breakdown of the confirmed, fatal and recovered cases.

According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, as the today 11.05.202 there is a total reported confimed cases of 4,063,535 and total deaths of 282,244.

The ECDC said the European Union, European Economic Areas and the United Kingdom share a total of 1,248,033 and 147,558 deaths.

The Nigeria Centre For Disease Control said the country recorded a total confirmed case of 4,399 and 143 deaths.

The ECDC gave no figures for total global recoveries.

                                            Coronavirus Cases
Region                            World           EU/EEA/UK       Nigeria

Confirmed Cases        4,063,535         1,248,033             4,399
Fatal Cases                     282,244           147.558                143

                                                  * Updated 5/11/2020 from ECDC, NCDC

Click Here To Read An Overview of the ECDC breakdown 

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