Monday 28 October 2013


As a Christian, I have no doubt that Jesus was real.

What I find myself continually reflecting on is `spirituality', and why a lot of quacks still lay claim to its mastery and rampant abuse.

I see spirituality as "Complete immaterial and abstract reality, a thorough mastery of the 'algorithm' of which can enable the master successfully cause a controled alteration to the material reality. It is like a software to a computer. You know that it is there, and that through it you can make changes that produce visible results through the hardware, but you need the algorithm".

The main question then is, can you write one?

I have recently argued that Jesus Christ actually came, lived and died, in known and still surviving environment, among a known and still surviving race. No doubt my argument, like that of others who diverge, is anchored on readings and stories of historical proofs of generational descents and ascents from before and after Christ till this day, of his race, environment, and archetypal descriptions from stories told, as well as drawings passed down by generations who drew from descriptions of those who saw him.

It seems to me that what many divergent views don't like to come to terms with is his popularity, which has been made very possible by his message of peace and `disarmament', which he then replaced with peaceful defensive empowerment.

In a recent discusion, I told a small group who do not believe in Christianity, that though Jesus is one of many prophets or people who have arrived this earth with supernatural abilities and messages, what marked him out is the uniqueness of his message. These I explained as follow:

1) Jesus brought a message of `Peace and Love'.
2) of Tolerance and Forgiveness.
3) of disarmament (in a unique way) for the sake of peace.

4) of empowerment (a different kind of rearmament better known as `defensive empowerment').

I explained that Christ saw the rabid competition which engendered killings and destructions, induced by unfair use of spiritual and occultic powers to subdue and waste people, and he decided to disarm all those who will subscribe to his message and laydown their `arms' for the sake of peace.

He then emphasized peace - that which will come from laying down those dangerous spiritual weapons, forgiving, tolerating and embracing mutual co-existence, in His name.

Maybe, they also quarrell with the part of "in His name" or the fact that `His', comes written with capital `H'. The truth is, if we look hard enough for reasons to disagree, we will find it.

But Christ promised adherrents of his message `empowerment and internal peace'. This empowerment was a defensive type of empowerment, to enable christians subdue and deflect the effects of attacks launched against them by people who would not repent or accept the new order, to lay down their `arms' (those dangerous spiritual tools). By being the approving and authorising authority, he raised the chances of Christians to overcome spiritual attacks through prayer.

But jesus also disarms Christians and hid from them the ultimate power that could enable them to launch devastating reprisal attacks against other offenders. This is understandable because, he would have made no difference. And indeed would have excerbated the evil of intollerance, killings, fearce competition and extreme wicknedness, against which he stoutly preached.

There has been several other attempts to disprove and discredit the Holy Bible.

Todays article in the Metro by Ben Gilliland is one of them. Yet a careful study his arguements suggests a lot of bogus claims by scientists and archeologists from fossils found on mountain tops.

We may never really ever know for sure, because in God's wisdom, he kept many things secret and ensures that they remain a mystry whatever humans do.

I have insisted that, even if one refuses to acknowledge Christ or God, one should at least, be humbled by that knowledge which have been so far ellusive.

But the message of Christ which came and was given for FREE should not be taken for granted for the simple reason of a disagreeable date of creation.

Scientists are known to have drawn conclusions, only to recline after `new evidence' by some other scientist emerges. But for all the beautiful discoveries, which have raised human standard of living, they have not yet discovered secret to `peaceful co-existence'.

Let's not shoot down the message that has attempted that.

* Twitter: @bensonagoha.

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